Technical Difficulties
2009-05-02 22:00 in /meta
I took a bit of a blogging hiatus. Not particularly that I ran out of things to say, but rather there were technical difficulties. The short version, because I’m sure nobody cares, is this: last fall I retired my last non-Intel Mac. My blogging workflow involves Emacs PSGML mode, and makes use of a couple obscure corners of that package. Somehow on Intel Macs, one of those corners was busted. Don’t ask me why. I vaguely intended to try to debug the problem, but never got around to it. Last week, I decided I had something valuable enough to say that I would — the horrors — undertake to write valid XHTML without editor support. And, low and behold, everything worked perfectly again. I haven’t updated Emacs. I’m speculating something in some software update fixed something that was the root cause of this rather obscure problem. But, yeah, I really don’t know. But, I’m back!
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