OSCON 2007, Day 0
2007-07-22 11:01 in /tech/conferences/oscon
It hasn’t quite sunk in that OSCON is starting tomorrow. I guess that’s because I don’t have to travel this year. I’m just going to wake up in my bed, and instead of heading into my home office, I’ll drive/bike/bus to the Convention Center. Definitely a strange change.
(I think I’m going to bike to and from the conference, but I haven’t decided completely. Usually OSCON happens during the most brutally hot week of the summer in Portland, but the forecast for next week isn’t too bad — mid 80s and partly cloudy. I’ll probably bike in tonight to get my badge and see how it goes. Of course, I really should get in some training if I’m going to ride in the BridgePedal in a couple weeks.)
This difficulty in internalizing that the conference is starting really soon means I still haven’t really looked at the schedule too closely. I picked out tutorials a couple months ago, although I need to review my selections and make sure I don’t want to make any last minute changes. Beyond that, it’s pretty wide open. The Perl track is really light this year; once you remove the talks that are repeated every year, there’s less than 10 sessions. But, this is just a good excuse to get exposed to something new. I’m just not sure what that’ll be yet.
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