Everyman Transition Day 4
2007-05-25 23:40 in /life/sleep
Nothing too exciting to report today. As I wrote earlier, I was really tired when I got up, but it passed by mid-morning. I took my afternoon nap earlier, at about noon, and once again found myself waking up after 10 or 12 minutes then going back to sleep. I tried a second nap around 5:30, but it was a complete disaster. It’s the first time I’ve seriously tried to nap while the little one was at home, and she ended up waking me up about 7 minutes in, and then there was some more noise a few minutes later, so I never really got to sleep.
In general, this might be a serious challenge. It’s going to take some work to get her to understand that she really needs to not wake me up while I’m napping. I guess that’ll be a project for this weekend. Also, I’m probably going to need to try earplugs for some of my naps this weekend.
I realized today that while I’ve certainly been feeling a little unfocused the last couple days, it’s a little tough to figure out how much of that is the sleep changes and how much is the fact that I got yanked onto a new task at work, and it’s just not exciting me that much. Basically, I’m reverse-engineering configuration file formats. What fun! I’ve gotten a couple chances to drop back to something enjoyable for a few minutes, and then I’m productive again, so there’s clearly some effect coming from this specific task, although I might do a better job just pushing though it if I were less tired.
Everyman Transition Day 3
2007-05-25 08:30 in /life/sleep
Yesterday was not too bad — pretty similar to day 1, or maybe a little better even. I did sleep in the guest room, so perhaps that made the difference. In the morning I was starving when I woke up. I also think I may not have been eating enough the last couple days. That’s something I probably need to keep a closer eye on.
My 2:00 nap went well. The last couple naps, I’d been waking after 13-15 minutes; this time I actually slept for the whole 20 minutes. Perhaps that means that my body is getting accustomed to this nap length, but it’s probably to early to really say.
In the evening, I went out for a geek gathering, and then to meet up with a friend who’s in town for the weekend. I ended up getting to bed 15 minutes late, and although I moved my alarm back to compensate, I was still very tired upon waking up. I’m skeptical that it’s due to the schedule shift; maybe all the walking around downtown wore me out more than I realized. I’m contemplating two naps today, but I’ll see how I’m feeling as the day goes on. I’m not sure if that would be beneficial, or a hinderence to adaptation.
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