Measure 26-84 — Yes
2006-11-04 20:20 in /politics/oregon
Measure 26-84 renews for 5 years a levy providing funding to Portland public schools. I’m not very familiar with the background to this issue, but the proponents claim that there has been significant improvement in school performance, as well as reduced administrative costs during the past five years that this levy was originally in place. This appears to be sufficiently non-controversial that there seems to be no organized opposition to this measure (which I actually find fairly remarkable; is there really no one in Portland opposed to public education on principle?). Given that I have no reason to consider the schools overfunded, I am happy to maintain the current funding.
Measure 26-81 — Yes
2006-11-04 19:40 in /politics/oregon
Measure 26-81 maintains the current level of library funding in Multnomah County by renewing an existing levy (earmarked property tax). Personally, I’d be willing to vote for an increase in library funding since most of the local branches here close at 6PM. I have no hesitation voting to maintain the current spending.
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