Our First House Offer
2005-03-13 22:17 in /life/house
We’ve apparently starting shopping for a house. I started an entry about that a week ago then didn’t get to finish it. And, today we actually put an offer on a house... and didn’t get it.
The house was cute, but small, and on a really nice lot up in a Canyon in Altadena. It would have been a compromise in some ways, as the rooms were a bit small, but on the other hand the property was great, the neighborhood was quiet, and it seems to be districted to one of the better elementary schools in the city.
When we went by the open house late this afternoon (we saw it once before on Thursday), they had 4 offers. We put in an offer at $5K over asking, and were willing to go $20K over. However, by the end of the day, they had 15 offers, and were countering at $35K over asking, with no loan contingency and a 3 day inspection contingency. All I can say is that someone out there really likes this house. So, we bowed out of the competition.
I think it was a good experience, though. We’ve now gone through all the offer paperwork, so the next time it’ll be a lot easier. And, we’ve thought through a lot of the issues we need to look at when evaluating a house. So, we keep looking.
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